Northwest Passage

オレゴン州ポートランドのインディペンデント音楽に関する本とCDのNorthwest Passageのデザインとタイポグラフィ。

私たちは、Know Your Cityから発行された、オレゴン州ポートランドのインディペンデント音楽に関する本とCDであるNorthwest Passageをデザインしました。 この本は、パンクからソウル、ヒップホップ、ポップまで、独立した音楽のスペクトラムにわたる著名なポートランドのミュージシャンとのインタビューを特集しています。

Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon


Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon

Northwest Passageには、初期のポートランドパンクロック7インチレコードカバーのディスコグラフィー、ポートランドの異文化音楽活動の地図などが含まれています。

Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon
Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon
Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon
Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon
Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon
Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon
Design and typography for Northwest Passage, a book and CD about independent music from Portland, Oregon published by The Dill Pickle Club. Portland, Oregon