Start Somewhere

Start Somewhereは、執筆するデザイナーになる方法についての76ページのハンドブックです。 ほとんどのデザイナーは、独自のコンテンツの生成に取り組んでいます。 このzineには、*どのように* 書くか、さらに重要なこととして、どのように始めるかについての文章がたくさんあります。

Start Somewhere: A Handbook of Dubious Exercises, Tips and Rants About Becoming a Designer Who Writes is designed as a friendly guide for designers grappling with generating their own content. This zine is about how to write and most importantly, how to get started. Includes fourteen hybrid design and writing exercises, numerous helpful tips, and many illustrations.

Start Somewhereには、14のハイブリッドデザイン/ライティング演習、いくつかの役立つヒントが含まれており、豊富に説明されています。 こちらから注文できます。

Start Somewhere: A Handbook of Dubious Exercises, Tips and Rants About Becoming a Designer Who Writes is designed as a friendly guide for designers grappling with generating their own content. This zine is about how to write and most importantly, how to get started. Includes fourteen hybrid design and writing exercises, numerous helpful tips, and many illustrations.

Ian Lynamは、デザイナーが自分のコンテンツ、デザイン理論、デザイン研究、有罪の喜び、靴のフェチ、デザインのキュレーション、および他の多くのトピックを作成するのに苦労している理由について書いています。

Start Somewhere: A Handbook of Dubious Exercises, Tips and Rants About Becoming a Designer Who Writes is designed as a friendly guide for designers grappling with generating their own content. This zine is about how to write and most importantly, how to get started. Includes fourteen hybrid design and writing exercises, numerous helpful tips, and many illustrations.


Start Somewhere: A Handbook of Dubious Exercises, Tips and Rants About Becoming a Designer Who Writes is designed as a friendly guide for designers grappling with generating their own content. This zine is about how to write and most importantly, how to get started. Includes fourteen hybrid design and writing exercises, numerous helpful tips, and many illustrations.

Start Somewhereは、自己開始および自己公開のプロジェクトです。 私の出版出版社のWordshapeを通じて、またDraw Down BooksAmazonを通じて購入することができます